
Findthesummationofallelementsinthearrayandmultiplyitwith2^(n-1).Eachelementinthesetwilloccur2^(n-1)timesinthepowerset.,Thesubsetsumproblem(SSP)isadecisionproblemincomputerscience.Initsmostgeneralformulation,thereisamultisetS-displaystyleS} ...,TheXORtotalofanarrayisdefinedasthebitwiseXORofallitselements,or0ifthearrayisempty.Forexample,theXORtotalofthearray[2,5,6]is ...,Subsets-Givenanintegerar...

sum of all elements of all the subsets in power set

Find the summation of all elements in the array and multiply it with 2^(n-1) . Each element in the set will occur 2^(n-1) times in the power set.

Subset sum problem

The subset sum problem (SSP) is a decision problem in computer science. In its most general formulation, there is a multiset S -displaystyle S} ...

Sum of All Subset XOR Totals

The XOR total of an array is defined as the bitwise XOR of all its elements, or 0 if the array is empty. For example, the XOR total of the array [2,5,6] is ...


Subsets - Given an integer array nums of unique elements, return all possible subsets (the power set). The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets ...

Algorithm to recover a set given the sums of all its subsets

2023年4月7日 — If you can find any member x of the set A then it's easy to separate all the subset sums into the ones that include x and the ones that don't.

Sum of all Subsets

Approach: Traverse through the array and for each index solve for two arrays, one where you pick the element,i.e add the element to the sum or don't pick and ...

Sum over Subsets DP

Sum over subsets (SOS) DP is a trick that allows you to efficiently compute the sum of all the subsets of an array. The naive solution would be to iterate ...

Print sums of all subsets of a given set

2023年2月22日 — Print sums of all subsets of a given set ... Given an array of integers, print sums of all subsets in it. Output sums can be printed in any order.

Sum of the sums of all possible subsets

2022年12月28日 — Naive Approach: A naive approach is to find all the subsets using power set and then summate all the possible subsets to get the answer.

What is the sum of all possible subsets?

2023年2月16日 — Hence, the number of possible subsets is the number of possible outcomes of these n choices, which is 2*2*...*2 = 2^n.